#2: Put Things Back- Create The Habit

Now that you have a home established for everything the next step is to actually put the items away in their homes.  Don’t wait for later or “when you have time” clean up as you go.  It is much easier to do a small amount as you go than to wait for a large clean up later on.  If you create the habit of putting things away where they belong, finding them when you need them becomes much easier!

#1: Have A Home For Everything

Make sure that each item in your home/office has a specific home that is labeled and shared with others around you.  Nothing else should be put in that home.  Don’t get lazy and put something in the empty space.  Take the time to put things where they belong.  If you have a home for everything then putting things back is much simpler.  If you change the home, make sure to let others know.  Step one is to find specific homes for everything you have.  (Great time to get rid of things if you don’t have room for everything.)  Again be sure to label and share that home.